Public Health,Digital Health & Campaigns That Change Peoples LIves

Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in to another exciting week of ISLA Talks, this week we are talking about public health, campaigns and digital health. 

I’d like to start this blog by saying public health campaigns have changed my life and educated me from a very young age. Don’t Make Smokes Your Story (2016) was a powerful campaign run by the Australian government that helped me think about my smoking habits, 9 months later I am cigarette free and never want to go back… (I can hear the applauses in my head)

For some of my audience you may not have had the same effect from public health campaigns but I bet you have googled your health symptoms before, looked at health forums or watched a news report about a health crisis somewhere in the world…. Well guess what… these are all aspects of public health, but at this point you probably need me to explain why….  

What is public health ?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines public health as “the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts of society”. (WHO 2021) 

Public health provides vital information to aid prolonging life and longevity of the general public by raising awareness about potential health risks, addictions and lifestyle choices covering physical, mental and social health topics. This information is delivered by public health credited officials such as the Public Health Association of Australia, The World Health Organisation and The Australian Government, who have a team of Public Health Officials.

There are three core areas involved in public health:

Protection| Identifying environmental and workplace risks and hazards, infectious disease control, health emergency awareness and providing education around these areas. Public Health campaigns around COVID-19 have used stay at home and social distancing as protection measures to the public.

Promotion| This falls mainly on the individual to promote healthy behaviours and health amongst society as a whole, this could mean educating your friends and family about the health risks of COVID-19 from a public health campaign.

Prevention| Prevention in public health is to stop individuals from experiencing health complications, this can be achieved by vaccination, scans or screening. Public health campaigns over the last 6 months have promoted COVID-19 vaccinations to protect the public.

Health Campaigns

Health campaigns are created as a form of public health to inform the masses of potential health risks, usually showcased on television or social media platforms to maximise audiences and engagement. The Australian department of health have a backlog of promotional campaigns for public viewing here:

Digital Health

Digital health refers to the process of sharing health information through digital communication technologies. Communication technologies can include domains, forums and information shared across social media platforms to promote health and wellness. Digital health Australia comes with many benefits including electronic prescriptions, information around the national digital health strategy and access to initiatives and programs. In 2020 we saw the rise of digital health campaigns taking centre stage, informing the public valuable information as the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded. Facebook live streams from government and communication officials also offered vital information to the public. This comes alongside a series of graphic video campaign advertisements aired to television, on youtube advertisements and social media platforms such as Facebook & Twitter to encourage the public to get vaccinated and not be complacent. Watch below —> —>

Shock tactic COVID ad isn’t accurate but ads aren’t about truth, they’re about motivation
— Karen Ferry, The Sydney Morning Herald 2021

These health campaigns use emotional provocation as a tool to raise social awareness and responsibility, they play a vital role in society to keep the public healthy. In 2021 Digital health is paving the future of public health.

My question to my audience this week is how has public health changed your life?

Till next time xoxo

ISLA Talks

References| n.d. What is digital health?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021].

Don’t Make Smokes Your Story – National Tobacco Campaign – Mates. 2016. [video] Australian Government Department of Health.[Accessed 12 September 2021]
Ekram, T., 2020. 3 Reasons Why Protecting Public Health Is More Important Than Ever - Luma Health. [online] Luma Health. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021] 2021. Public Health Campaigns | [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021].

Ferry, K., 2021. Shock tactic COVID ad isn’t accurate but ads aren’t about truth, they’re about motivation. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021]. n.d. What is Public Health?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 September 2021]

Simple · Adelaide · Melbourne. 2016. Shock Value in Advertising · Simple · Adelaide · Melbourne. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021].

The Australian Government. 2021. [Video] COVID-19 Health Campaign - Don’t be complacent. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021].

The Department of Health. n.d. Campaigns. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2021].

What is Public Health??. 2017. [video] Let's Learn Public Health.[Accessed 12 September 2021].


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